
Student Advisory Board
Class Schedule

Your tuition will vary according to the courses you choose, as well as your status as a full-time or part-time student.

After reviewing our course offerings and admissions requirements, we urge you to contact Cobb Beauty College directly, at 770.424.6915 to schedule an interview and tour of the school. We'll discuss the schedule that best fits into your lifestyle and available tuition options.

Cobb Beauty College has Financial Aid available (for those who qualify) in the form of Pell Grants and Direct Loans from the US Department of Education.

Upon acceptance to Cobb Beauty College, a financial advisor will consult individually with each new student to design a customized payment plan for their cost of education. Cobb Beauty College will assist qualified students in finding a program of Financial Assistance, scholarships, personal investment, and/or part-time employment.

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