
Student Advisory Board
Class Schedule

Cobb Beauty College offers three major courses of study: Cosmetology, Nail Technician and Cosmetology Teacher training. To discuss the complete curriculum, please call Cobb Beauty College today at 770.424.6915. An overview of each program appears below.

For additional information, review our Admissions Requirements.

Cosmetology students must complete 1,500 clock hours at this school before graduation.

The curriculum consists of the following: Classroom training, theory, hair cutting, shaping, shampoo, style, hair coloring, hair, scalp treatments, permanent waves, facials, make-up, and arching, personal improvement (charm), manicuring, pedicuring, chemical relaxing, laboratory, and salon management.

Nail technicians must complete a minimum of 4 months and 600 clock hours before graduation.

The curriculum consists of the following: Theory, manicuring, nail repair, artificial nails, nail tipping, sculptured nails, nail wraps, pedicures, laboratory, salon management, and product knowledge and retail.

The teaching curriculum requires a minimum of 12 months and 1,500 hours before graduation.

The curriculum consists of the following:

General Education (Vocabulary Development): This phase will introduce and prepare the trainee to function as a cosmetology instructor.

Teaching Techniques (Audio/Visual Aides): This phase will give trainees a knowledge of teaching methods, teaching aides, classroom management, discipline, testing and evaluations.

Practice Teaching: During this phase, trainees will learn areas in which adults may differ, teacher/student relations, and the art of teaching.

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